Trust and IntegrityBy utilizing the characteristic of blockchain, a distributed ledger, data integrity is guaranteed. It records the activities of members and evaluations by experts. Information such as expert voting scores and the addresses they voted from are nearly immutable, ensuring reliable information.
Accessibility and FairnessThe blockchain-based evaluation system established by IBTC consists of evaluations by experts and public evaluations, with equal authority given to all participants in public evaluations. The advantage is that as more participants join, it converges towards a more accurate consensus.
Liquidity of Technological AssetsTechnological assets are often difficult to liquidate. IBTC's platform allows for the evaluation of technology and its conversion into value within just 15 days from the start of a business that would otherwise require substantial investment in manpower resources. This enables the rapid liquidity of technological assets.
Distributed NetworkIBTC's network is initially composed of two or more nodes. This allows it to operate among multiple participants without a central server, avoiding a single point of failure and enhancing system stability.
Clarity of EvaluationCriteria When evaluation criteria are unclear or difficult to interpret, obtaining consistent evaluations can be challenging. IBTC's evaluation criteria are clearly defined, consisting of public evaluations, expert qualitative, and quantitative evaluations, freeing it from ambiguity in the criteria and potential misunderstandings.

International Blockchain
Technical Center
Technical Center
Now, all blockchain ideas of the world are connected globally.
Collective intelligence of ‘the 4IR’ presents a new paradigm for tech investment.
Collective intelligence of ‘the 4IR’ presents a new paradigm for tech investment.